Friday, February 22, 2013

Governor's Perspective: We are a Corrupted Shrimp Industry

Governor going against the unhappy people (Earth Focus 2012)


As an employee of the local government, I support shrimp farming due to the economic and social benefits it brings to my country. Shrimp farming is a very lucrative business that brings many job opportunities. Shrimp farming, if regulated properly, could help bring some areas out of poverty. It is a very profitable industry. Also, workers who shrimp farm can expect to get paid more than the average worker in India. A global estimate put shrimp farm worker’s salaries at 1.5-3 times the normal wages (Bangkok Post 2012).

Moreover, the farms in India and Thailand are not owned by a global conglomerate, but local businesses, which help boosts the overall economy of the area and even supports me in the government. Some people complain that the new shrimp farms are taking up the rice fields in Thailand, but shrimp farming requires more labor and pays up to ten times more than the average rice farm does (Envirolyte 2009). Shrimp farming benefits the entire community and should be allowed to continue, if not grow further.


Picture: Earth Focus. (April4, 2012) "Free media to win fight against corruption." News Day. (Date accessed: February 19, 2013). 

Bongkok Post. (2012) Sustainable shrimp farming benefits. Bangkok Post. (Date accessed: February 20, 2013.)

Envirolyte. (2009) Shrimp Farming. Envirolyte. (Date accessed: February 20,2013.)

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