Thursday, February 21, 2013

Data and Statistics: Depleting Mangroves

According to a FAO report in 2005, global mangrove coverage has fallen from 18.8 million hectares in 1980 to 15.2 million by the end of 2000, which is approximately 20% of the global mangrove area in Asian in 1980.  
 (ZSL 2012)

The graph below shows the area of mangroves that were destroyed in India between 1987- 1997. This is a huge drop! 

(World Map 2008)

If we look at thailand, we can see that when there is a decrease in the area of mangroves, there is an increase in area for shrimp farms.

(Biotec 1995)

This graph below shows the percentages of the different usage of mangroves. 

(Biotec 1995)


"Destruction of mangroves for industrial shrimp ." World Map. (Date accessed: February 22, 2013).

Hambrey, J, Kwei Lin, C. Shrimp Culture in Thailand. Biotec. (Date accessed: February 18, 2013.)

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